Thursday, February 28, 2008

.Decision Making.


I did my part so far. The script, and the planning of the shots. Yay!

We had a discussion just now. Planned for our interim 1 tomorrow. Every one of us will present certain components. I will be presenting the content, and storyboard.

And then, we confirmed tasks for production. As far as I am concerned, I am the director, and scriptwriter.

Interim 1, here we come!

Lotza Lurrrve,

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

.Location Scouting.


Location scouting is very annoying, but, essential. And it opens up my eyes to new potential locations. And so, we went to check those fields, very close proximity to school. Must save travelling time as much as we can. Hongkie way. hah. And then, went to Pasir Ris Park. Snapped a lot of pictures. It is with Jacen, though. Shall retrieve it from him later.

It was a long day. Seriously. Apart from location scouting, tasks were also assigned to each of our group members. We did some talent scouting in the canteen. They suit those roles. SERIOUSLY.

And now, I shall proceed on with the script, and shots plan.

No disturbances please. Thank you for your co-operation. It is very much appreciated.

Lotza Lurrrve,

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Yay! We've decided on which story to base our video on.

Appearances are deceptive.

We'll be working on that moral. Expect some twists and turns from the creative people. hah.

Basically, we'll be tackling on an issue that is arising in our community, which, however, is not mainstream.


And so, I've been planning what each scene would look like. That is my interpretation. Sent copies to the other members of the group. Let's see what happens.

I'm excited. Whoo-hoo!

We'll be doing location scouting tomorrow. Yay!

Lotza Lurrrve,

Monday, February 25, 2008

.The Start.


So, we are supposed to choose a story from this Aesop Fables.

There were five stories that caught my attention. But, I'm working on two out of the five.

The Bear and The Two Travellers teaches that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. And so, I'd want to tackle the underground fighters' scene for this. I was inspired while watching No Way Out, a WWE pay-per-view.

Or, I am thinking of doing The Fox Who Had Lost Its Tail, which goes along the line of misery loves company. For this, I would want to incorporate issues regarding disorders, such as anorexia, cutters, depression.

We shall see how the discussion goes later. Will they choose my idea?

We shall see.

Lotza Lurrrve.