Thursday, March 20, 2008



We have officially completed Project Two. YAY!

The screening is on Monday. I can't wait!

See ya'll on Monday.

Lotza Lurrrve,

.Pictures Speaks a Thousand Words.

Monday, March 17, 2008

.Days of Editing.


Yeah. Days of editing, which can make us die of boredom.

I didn't update this blog of mine, as i didn't want to bore you with the same stuff every day.

And so, here I am, nearing the finishing line, telling you that we have been editing for a lot of days now. Editing script, and the shooting script is my job. I have done it. Yay!

Tomorrow is Interim 2.

See ya'll tomorrow, at 0930.

Lotza Lurrrve,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

.Day Four.


The usual stuff. Production day. DUH!

It was a day of indoor shoot. Everything went well. Except for the fact that we were a little bit overrun. We had to wait, and wait, and wait. Started the day really bad.

And so, the owner has two dogs. One real big one, and another of normal size? I do not really care, as dogs have no significance in my life. As we were packing up, I was going down the stairs, and the smaller dog came running up. I freaked out! And ran back to the room. I turned jelly. Gawd!

Then, I was sitting at the stairs. That dog came running towards me again. I did not realise, until it was in really close proximity with me. I screamed. And ran towards Wei Xiang. And tears rolled down my cheeks. I have a phobia of dogs. SERIOUSLY! And now I have fever. Tsk.

Off to edit the script again.

Lotza Lurrrve,

Friday, March 7, 2008

.Day Three.


Third day of shoot.

Ran into a lot of people, who asked us to leave the place. And we kept saying, "it's our last scene." The shots turned out really well. We are very elated.

I promise to upload pictures in the later posts.

Why must everything happen during P2?

Lotza Lurrrve,

Monday, March 3, 2008

.Day Two.


Production day 02.

The original plan was to shoot at the fields again. However, it was raining. Yet again. Therefore, we finished up the flower shop, and house scene. The flower shop scene was a breezy one. Its a very quick take. Yay! And the roses that we bought were really nice. Beautiful. But, I do not really care as I have no interest in flowers.

The house scene took a longer time. We have not been there before the shoot actually. This was like an emergency plan. Thank god we have Cheryl's friend, Wan Ying. She is a kind soul. Thank you very much.

And we spent so much on transport. Cabbo-wabbo to everywhere today, as there were so many equipments that we had to handle.

What else? Ouh, yarr. I feel like eating Indian Rojak.

Lotza Lurrrve,

Sunday, March 2, 2008

.1st Day of Production.


So, today was the first day of production. We met up really early. The call time was at 0800. Yumi was the earliest to reach, although she was the last one to wake up.

We were shooting for the first two scenes. Everything went well. Really well. And we were about to have that last shot for the first scene, when it started drizzling. It was drizzling, and drizzling, and drizzling. Then... RAIN! God. Wasted. If not we would have been done with the first scene.

Never mind.

Tomorrow will be a day of shoot again. We will be going to today's location. AGAIN. And also, will be doing the house scene. And after that, the day after, we will do the flower shop scene. And then, off to post-production. Yay! I am sure Jacen cannot wait for that.

All right people. I shall go to sleep now. Been days since I have got proper sleep. I need my beauty sleep. God help this soul of mine.

Lotza Lurrrve,