Sunday, March 2, 2008

.1st Day of Production.


So, today was the first day of production. We met up really early. The call time was at 0800. Yumi was the earliest to reach, although she was the last one to wake up.

We were shooting for the first two scenes. Everything went well. Really well. And we were about to have that last shot for the first scene, when it started drizzling. It was drizzling, and drizzling, and drizzling. Then... RAIN! God. Wasted. If not we would have been done with the first scene.

Never mind.

Tomorrow will be a day of shoot again. We will be going to today's location. AGAIN. And also, will be doing the house scene. And after that, the day after, we will do the flower shop scene. And then, off to post-production. Yay! I am sure Jacen cannot wait for that.

All right people. I shall go to sleep now. Been days since I have got proper sleep. I need my beauty sleep. God help this soul of mine.

Lotza Lurrrve,

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